The Beauty of Meditation 

What actually is meditation? 

It is a set of beautiful techniques that encourage you to find calmness in this chaotic world.

I often hear from my clients “I don’t know how to meditate” or “I am not good at meditation”

Let's put that thought aside. Meditation definitely takes time to practice -  but the beauty of it is that it’s not about being good or bad at it at all.

Meditation is about the acceptance of feelings, emotions and thoughts that come your way. Is about finding stillness in your body and mind.

Also the beauty of meditation is, even 5-10 minutes a day is a great way to start and receive so many great benefits coming from this practice.

Types of meditations

There are many types of meditation.

Here are some of my personal favorites:

  • Movement meditation- actively using movement to guide you into a deeper connection with your body and the present moment. Movement is a beneficial practice for those who find peace in action and want to develop body awareness. 

  • Mantra meditation- uses  repetitive phrase and it’s a beneficial practice for those who don’t like silence, enjoy repetition and sound vibration frequencies. 

  • Loving-kindness meditation- strengthening  feelings of compassion, kindness, and acceptance toward oneself and others. Loving-Kindness is a beneficial practice for those holding feelings of anger or resentment.


How meditation affects our body & mind?

Meditation provides you with a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Benefits of meditation on the body reduces stress, lower the anxiety, improves sleep, helps control pain, decreases metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart rate, breathing and brain functionality. 

How to start with meditation

Of the many beautiful things meditation can bring us, the best part is  you don't need any equipment to begin. A quiet space and a few minutes every day is all that is needed. Trying to begin at the same time every morning or evening establishes a habit, and your mind will look forward to the time spent reflecting - or resolving what is within. 

It is best to… 

  • Set aside a place to meditate. You can also surround your space with your favorite objects, flowers, incents, crystals, anything you love!

  • Sit  comfortably with your back straight to allow blood flow properly to the body and brain. 

  • Close your eyes or focus on the objects surrounding you.

  • Breathe slowly, deeply and gently as you move towards your awareness goal. 

I hope you all take a few minutes a day to indulge in this deeply uplifting experience. 

With Love,

Anna Owsian

Yoga Teacher & Founder of ‘Yoga House’ Studio based in Los Angeles

anna owsian