Meditation for a New Year & New Beginning

Every time we enter a new year, we welcome a new beginning. It’s a time when we can celebrate and release the past, while looking forward to what’s to come.

This is a moment to revisit and honor where you’ve been, reflect on what went well or what could have gone better, and apply the wisdom and experience you’ve gained to set yourself up for better alignment and expansive growth in the new year.

For this beautiful beginning of the Year I would love to dedicate you a little meditation for new beautiful start.

Meditation for a New Year and new beginning

ake a deep breath in exhale out and Imagine your entire body softening.
Begin by thanking for all the gifts in your life right now.
For being alive, for each and every breath, for the ability to experience a beautiful life, for each and every person who makes feel alive, loved, appreciated, who support your growth and your incredible life path.

Fully Appreciating where you are. Remembering that every single situation, relationship, experience, difficult and tough moments from your past has taught you something valuable, and has made you who you are today.

And just start this new year with intention of let go.
Let all your fears, worries, doubts, disappointments, and anger surface in your mind... envision them as a muddy stream which flows out of you as you breathe.
See yourself releasing old hurts, sadness, imbalance, and injustice in your life from the past and present. Feel them dissolving, pouring out of your body.
Just let them go.
Take the time to express gratitude
As you free yourself from the past you open up space for fresh, honest relationships and exciting, beautiful new opportunities to come into your life.
As the old energy flows out, experience a new lightness, feel a new power and vitality entering into your mind and body opening up space for compassion, for forgiveness, for health, love Invite in those people who are able to respect and honor your growth, change and everyday path.

Honor yourself for the courage to really create a reality you want and you deserve.
Now imagine that you can breathe in the qualities that you need for this new year.

Ask yourself what do you want to feel more in your life?

What quality do you want to prioritize in your life?
If it health, is it balance, is it love, forgiveness. is it let go?

Breathe in patience, joy, lightness, pure happiness, love, spontaneity, anything that you feel would assist you in this new beginning. See yourself empowered, strong, grateful, brave, caring and loving

Picture what you would like to receive in your life and imagine yourself easily receiving these gifts.

Feel yourself radiating with incredible energy as you attract new people, ideas and situations.
See yourself simply joyful and content
Slowly begin to deepen your breaths. Gently move your fingers and toes. Gently begin to turn your head from side to side. Keeping your eyes closed, take three final deep breaths. When you are ready, you may open yours eyes.

Many blessings for a "Happy New Year” ~

With Love,

Anna Owsian

Founder of a Private ‘Yoga House’ in Los Angeles

anna owsian